Friday, February 20, 2015

A nightmare in flushing

So as you know our communities are getting larger and larger but our space is staying the same. So what happens is big time congestion and parking wars.  Today I had to go do a lockout service around main street and 41 avenue. Now if you are familiar with Flushing this corner also intersects with Kissenna blvd and the nightmare that is created is huge.  You have buses, trucks, cabs, and regular cars trying to move around.  So here I am trying to get to this lockout and guess what no parking.  So I find parking five blocks away from the lockout.  I walk with my heavy tool bag to the building. When I get to the lobby there are police officers, firemen and EMTs on location. I can get through to enter the building. So I ask one of the officers to let me in, he said no there is an emergency there you can't go there.  So I said well I have any emergency in the same building, I told him I am a locksmith. He says oh shoot, you got to get there  they are waiting for you.  It turns out that the old lady that needed the lockout service also called all the other agencies.  So I get to her on the third floor, there she is busy fighting with the cops telling them to let her in, they keep yelling we can not do that mam. Finally I let her in and then when I am asking for money she says " I am not going to pay you, ask the cops to pay you". So what do I do? Well I thanked her and just left. Not all jobs are paying jobs. Things happen. locksmith flushing

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